PES President Sergei Stanishev and Iratxe Garcia, President of the S&D group, were the special guests of this 5th anniversary edition. They outlined the priorities of the progressive family for the upcoming European political term and answered questions from the participants. Three days of intensive training are scheduled for the academy, taking place in Brussels and in Leuven. Fighting fake news and right-wing populism, best practices from the 2019 European Elections and successful campaign approaches are among the main topics.
Katarina Nevedalova, PES Vice President, Balazs Barany, International Secretary of the MSZP Hungary, Sebastiaan Timmermans, PvdA campaign manager Antton Ronholm, Secretary-General of SDP Finland and Laura Ballarin, the responsible for Europe from PSOE Spain were among the speakers.
The PES launched its European Training Academy in 2014 to promote the exchange with member parties. Working with experts from around the globe, it provides training on policy, politics and campaigning.