PES welcomes the election victory of the progressive parties in Malaysia

PES welcomes the election victory of the progressive parties in Malaysia

The Malaysian people’s decision to repudiate the 60-year rule of the Barisan Nasional coalition is a victory of the democratic and progressive forces in the country and in the world.

PES president Sergei Stanishev said:  “Progressive political parties in Malaysia won the trust of the people to govern Malaysia. They have the potential to steer the country in to better future and to strengthen the democratic processes, the beginning of which a decade ago actually made the fair elections possible.”

The PES and the Progressive Alliance (PA) are constantly supporting their sister parties in Malaysia and the and the democratic process in the country and in the region. Deputy Secretary General of the PES Giacomo Filibeck was in Kuala Lumpur with PA delegation in March to support the progressive forces ahead of the elections. 
Now, after the announcement of the election results Filibeck said:

“It was the civil society, the young people in Malaysia and the progressive political parties who made this positive change possible. It is time for Pakatan Harapan, the Democratic Action Party and all democratic parties and organisations to dismantle corruption. While We welcome the results of the free election in Malaysia, We are deeply concerned about the Philippines, especially after the ousting of the supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, a move dictated by president Rodrigo Duterte against the independence of judiciary system.”