Four progressive European political parties sign Declaration in support of the New Popular Front in France

Four progressive European political parties sign Declaration in support of the New Popular  Front in France

The Party of European Socialists (PES), the European Greens, the European Left, and the European Free Alliance stand united with all their member parties in the New Popular Front in France against the far-right threat in the second round of the French legislative elections. Today, the four progressive European Political Parties signed an official declaration in Brussels.

“As European political parties, we support our member parties in the Nouveau Front Populaire and the broad platform that they represent.” “We call on all political parties to respect the cordon sanitaire, the firewall against the far-right at all political levels,” the Declaration says.  

The document calls on all French parties to request voters in each constituency where a far-right candidate leads the race to vote for the best-placed democratic opponent. PES President Stefan Löfven said:

“I commend the French progressive parties who joined forces in Le Nouveau Front Populaire (New Popular Front) against the rise of the far-right in France as my counterparts who signed this declaration. Unity is needed more than ever, especially in the face of the urgent threat posed by the potential absolute majority of the Rassemblement National (RN), which threatens not only the French democracy but the future of the European Union.” “By signing this declaration, we reconfirm our commitment to the European values, our belief in a democratic, social and sustainable Europe and a strong European Union focused on its citizens, their rights and freedoms,” Stefan Löfven added.

The Declaration, signed by PES president Stefan Löfven, the president of the European Greens – Mélanie Vogel, the president of the European Left – Walter Baier, and the president of the European Free Alliance – Lorena Lopez de Lacalle, calls also for a greater turnout in France this Sunday.

“We call on every individual who wants France to remain a free and democratic society to go to the polls on 7 July. This is the way to defend human and social rights and preserve the democratic freedom of the people in a socially just and sustainable France and Europe”, the Declaration says.

Earlier this week, the PES called on all pro-European political parties in France to show responsibility and support all democratic candidates who can defeat Marine Le Pen’s candidates in their respective constituencies.

Read the full Joint declaration by the European Greens, the Party of European Socialists, the European Left and the European Free Alliance in English here and in French here.