PES Ministers express concerns at slow rate of social progress

PES Ministers express concerns at slow rate of social progress

The socialist family has for long demanded that the European Semester focuses more on  growth friendly objectives such as relaunching investment, job creation, social investment and fair taxation so that it can correctly identify problems and improve the lives of Europeans. 

Minister Nicolas Schmit, chairing the meeting, stated:

« We see a gradual shift in the AGS, with a stronger focus on employment and social issues that now better reflects the difficult realities young people and long-term unemployed face. Yet much remains to be done, and the right kind of measures must be taken for an upwards convergence in the interest of European citizens. »

Minister Nicolas Schmit, added:

“It is about time to open the debate on the type of reforms we want to see implemented, to move away for those that compete on the price of labour and dismantle the social acquis to progressive reforms that put Europe back on track of convergence and a long-term, sustainable, fair growth that benefits all.”

The PES is working to implement an alternative, a progressive vision of reforms, as crystalized in the report of the PES Working Group on Progressive Reforms [which was supported by a PES Presidency declaration]. Under the chairmanship of MEP Maria Joao Rodrigues, the working group has outlined a progressive programme of reforms that focuses on boosting Europe’s growth capacity and quality job creation; improving the economic, environmental and social sustainability of Europe’s development; and reducing social inequalities, fighting poverty and increasing solidarity.


Nicolas Schmit, Minister for Labour, Employment, Social and Solidarity Economy, Chairperson, Luxembourg

Rudolf Hundstorfer, Minister Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection, Austria

Mirando Mrsić Minister of Labour and Pension System, Croatia

José António Vieira da Silva, Minister of Labour, Solidarity, and Social Security, Portugal

Anja Kopač Mrak, Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Slovenia

Ylva Johansson, Minister for Employment, Sweden

Åsa Regnér, Minister for Children, the Elderly and Gender Equality, Sweden

Maria Joao Rodrigues, S&D Vice-President

Jutta Steinruck, S&D EMPL Coordinator