PES President commits to tackling child poverty

PES President commits to tackling child poverty

Sergei Stanishev, PES President, spoke on the subject at a conference hosted by the Socialists and Democrats Group gathering civil society, Luxembourg’s Employment and Social Affairs Minister Nicolas Schmit and his counterpart from the Netherlands Jetta Klijnsma, and Socialist and Democrat MEPs.

Sergei Stanishev, PES President said:

“I cannot accept that in the wealthiest Union in the 21st century, we have children who are hungry and cannot go to school.  In my position as PES President I will do my utmost to change the cruel reality too many children face in Europe.”

Combatting poverty, and standing up for the rights of the most vulnerable has always been a priority for the PES. As socialists and democrats we made the Youth Guarantee possible in 2012. There is no reason why we can’t now make a Child Guarantee a reality too.”

The proposal for a European Child Guarantee will be put to vote next week in the European Parliament in Strasbourg.