The socialist family stands united with Antonio Costa and the Portuguese Socialist Party and fully supports his efforts to form a stable Government in Portugal to allow the country to enter in a new path of employment and economic growth.
Portuguese voters were very clear in the last general election with a strong majority (62%) against the austerity policies of the last four years. It is now the task of the Portuguese Parliament to create the necessary conditions for a stable Government supported by a strong majority in the Parliament.
It is now evident that the right wing coalition is not able to achieve this majority and Antonio Costa and the PS are the only political force that can obtain the political support of other parties in the Portuguese Parliament.
We wish Antonio Costa and the PS all the success in the political talks to form a new Government democratically formed to implement new policies that put Portugal in the path of progress and also the European Union.
PS was always the leading party in Portugal on European integration and a new Government lead by Antonio Costa will fully respect the European commitments of Portugal.