The Norwegian Labour Party wins the school elections!

The Norwegian Labour Party wins the school elections!

For two days (8-9 September), the PES working group on voting abstention has been in Norway to follow the upcoming local elections, and to further discuss how to fight voting abstention. Central in the debates was the effect of early voting and youth abstention.

The school elections are a great way to increase political interest and involvement amongst youth, as well as their knowledge of the democratic processes’, said Marije Laffeber, Deputy Secretary General of the PES. She added: ‘Involving 16 to 18 year olds in the political process of an election and political party campaigning is a great way to raise awareness. Figures of pilot projects in Norway show that turn out amongst these youngsters would be quite high if they had the right to vote. Their participation contributes to a lively and energetic democratic process

Over 190 000 youths from 16 to 18 all over the country participated in this year’s mock elections, and is an important political event in Norway as they over the years they have shown to often predict the tendency in the ordinary elections one week later.

The result of the school elections always seem to be an indicator for the actual elections. I very much hope that the election results for the Norwegian Labour Party on the 14th of September will be as good as those in the school election. The Party of European Socialists wishes all in the Norwegian Labour Party good luck.’, Laffeber concluded.