Presidential elections: “Victor Ponta will open a new chapter in Romanian democracy”, says PES President

Presidential elections: “Victor Ponta will open a new chapter in Romanian  democracy”, says PES President

President Stanishev underlined that; “there is only one candidate with the leadership, experience and resolve to change the political and economic direction of Romania, and it’s Victor Ponta. Voters deserve a President who fights for their rights and for their children’s rights, who is highly regarded inside and outside Romania and who has vision for the future. Victor’s work as Prime Minister and party leader has been nothing short of exemplary, and I am convinced that he will make an exceptional President. He will open a new chapter in Romanian democracy”.

In late September, Sergei Stanishev spoke before thousands of supporters at Victor Ponta’s campaign launch. “Together we will defeat the policy of austerity only. We will fight for economic growth, investment and jobs”, said the PES President.