The seminar started with an introduction from PS France Leader Harlem Desir, who stated that “One of our values added as Europe is our common objective to obtain universal peace. This is why defence matters”
Participants discussed the European Council Conclusions, EU military missions and differences and commonalities between different national White Books.
The day concluded with a discussion on the role of the PES in matters of Defence. It is important for European Progressives to discuss and develop peace, defence and security. “The European Parliament decided in November on a report on Security and defence in Europe and the EU summit in December also discussed these issues. We as the progressive family of course have a strong will to contribute to the discussion in a way that promotes peace, democracy and solidarity”, said Ann Linde, head of the PES International unit
Participants included Erkki Tuomioja, Minister of Foreign Affairs, SDP, Finland; Alain Richard, Former Minister of Defence, SP, France; Jean-Louis Carrere, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee in Senate, SP, France; Milos Balaban, Chair of the Defence Commission, CSSD, Czech Republic; Walter Kowbow, MP and chair of the Commission on Defence and Armed Forces, SPD, Germany; Maria Eleni Koppa, Member of European Parliament and rapporteur on Defence, PASOK, Greece; Angelien Eijsink, Member of Parliament and Defence Spokesperson, PVDA, the Netherlands;Kare Simensen, MP and member of the Standing Committee of Foreign Affairs and Defence, DNA, Norway; Peter Hultqvist, MP and spokesperson on Defence, SAP, Sweden;Vernon Coaker, Shadow Defence Secretary, Labour UK, Roland Gur, MEP Candidate, MSZP, Hungary; Didier Boulaud, National Secretary on Defence, PS, France; Hassan Balawi, Member of Fatah EU Commission; Taghreid Senouar, Member of Fatah EU Commission, Ann Linde, Head of International Unit, PES.