The socialist family will also lead the external relations policy of the new Commission through Federica Mogherini and develop a new energy policy through Maros Sefcovic. Our Commissioners will also be responsible for the key portfolio of economic and financial affairs through Pierre Moscovici. Former MEP Corina Cretu is in charge of the EU’s largest budgetary programme and leads the regional policy department, presiding over important investment funds which will boost infrastructure and create jobs.
Commissioners Karmenu Vella and Vytenis Andriukaitis will oversee the protection of European citizens’ health and safety and of our environment and seas. This will ensure a healthier and cleaner future for Europe. Neven Mimica renews his position as Commissioner, and will take on responsibility for international development and humanitarian affairs. In a time of crises around the world – such as the Ebola threat in West Africa and displacement of people in Syria and Iraq – a Socialist perspective on these areas is key.
PES President Sergei Stanishev said today “The unity of the socialist family has been key to securing these important portfolios. Working with our national party leaders and parliamentary colleagues we have also achieved important policy commitments, and are delighted that Mr Juncker will now fast-track his €300 billion investment package and present it to us before the end of the year. Investment is key to building infrastructure, boosting Europe’s industrial capacity, and creating jobs. This is our political priority, and we’ll be making sure Mr Juncker delivers.”
The Juncker Commission was approved by 423 out of 751 MEPs with 67 abstentions. It will take office on 1 November 2014 and serve for five years.