‘These elections saw worrying results with the increase of the FN in many regions. I am proud that ahead of the second round the PS took the decision not to present any candidate to the second round in the 3 regions where it is in 3rd position. This difficult, but important, choice is aimed at preventing the Front National from winning those regions. While the Parti Socialiste is thinking of the greater good, it is shameful that ‘Les Republicains’ are refusing to do the same thing.’
‘As we go into the second round I support the call of PS Premier Secrétaire Jean-Christophe Cambadélis for unity on the left.’
‘I hope that the second round next Sunday will see a rise in the turnout. Decisions taken at regional level really matter in people’s lives. They are too important to be given to the FN. All those who value the Republic, and the universal values that it represents, are needed to prevent the dangerous Front National from sewing its discriminatory and dangerous seed.’