In Solidarity with Polish Women #czarnyprotest

In Solidarity with Polish Women #czarnyprotest

Following the recent – barbaric – developments in Poland regarding women’s rights, more specifically the right-wing legislative proposal of criminalising completely any access to sexual and reproductive rights, progressive women gather this Saturday across the country and Europe to express their anger and concern about the recent developments under the slogan “Now, we are really pissed off!”.

I cannot believe that in 21st century in Europe, right-wing governments get a free-ride in proposing such primitive and backwards laws, dictating women’s choices and limiting women’s rights. This is a serious attack on human rights and freedom of liberties. This is why PES Women stands by Polish sisters calling for ‘My Body, My Rights’. Just like with Spanish activists a couple of years ago and Irish feminist today, we can’t leave any woman behind and support all women across Europe to guarantee the same progressive and advanced rights for all women’.

Last week, a vast majority of Polish MPs (PiS and Kukiz’15) supported in Committee the proposal of restricting abortion law based on the citizen’s initiative for a total ban on abortion organised by the Foundation Pro-Right to Life which collected 460 000 signatures. A counter citizen’s initiative liberalising abortion law, collected 215 000 signatures, organised by the Committee Save the Women, received no support in Parliament.