PES is deeply concerned about the charges against Zoran Zaev, leader of the Social Democratic Union of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)

PES is deeply concerned about the charges against Zoran Zaev, leader of the  Social Democratic Union of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia  (FYROM)

“The EU has already voiced criticism about the current government, and these sort of accusations are indicative of what has been described as ‘selective justice and increased politicisation’ in recent progress reports”, said PES President Sergei Stanishev“The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia has repeatedly been warned, both by the EU and the OSCE, who talked about voter intimidation and ‘alleged indirect control of the governing party over the media’ during the elections of April last year”.

“In a healthy democratic climate, the opposition should be able to do its work in complete freedom and without any restrictions”, PES President Sergei Stanishev continued. “The Social Democratic Union of Macedonia has refused to take part in the Parliament after the elections because they could not operate freely under circumstances that lean towards authoritarianism. It is therefore imperative that the rule of law, division of powers and the independence of the judiciary are being fully respected in dealing with these charges”.