The PES President stated: “As my friend Victor said, the people are always right. Contrary to all speculations, the outcome of these elections proves that they were conducted in a fair and democratic way thanks to his role as Prime Minister – and this is just one of the many improvements that have been made since his appointment. After years of destructive austerity measures, his election as Prime Minister kick-started social and people-oriented policies that leaded to economic growth and better lives for all Romanian citizens. Victor has the full support of the European socialist family to continue his excellent work as Prime Minister and lead the positive progress in the country. I strongly believe that Victor is and will continue being the Prime Minister who follows the progressive, social and democratic agenda that Romania needs”.
Sergei Stanishev participated in Victor Ponta’s campaign launch, where he spoke before thousands of supporters. “Together we will defeat the policy of austerity only. We will fight for economic growth, investment and jobs”, said the PES President.