The meeting was exceptionally chaired by the European Affairs Minister of Sweden, Hans Dahlgren, who said:
“Frans Timmermans has left a substantial legacy on strengthening and safeguarding the rule of law in Europe. We expect the same passion to be present in the work of the new Commissioner. Our group will keep an attentative eye on the developments and will not allow progress to decelerate or be undermined. The rule of law is not negotiable, and we have made this repeatedly clear.”
Dahlgren continued:
“We are also keeping a close eye on the European budget negotiations for the next 7 years. We want to stick to the timetable and make sure that the budget reflects the progressive political priorities. In the upcoming years the EU must focus on jobs, fair jobs, on innovation and growth, and of course on climate. Our aim is to reach an agreement on a well-balanced budget with clear added European values.”