The PES celebrates the International Day of Democracy

The PES celebrates the International Day of Democracy

“Young people are the ones with whom we build our future. Therefore it’s important to engage and connect with them, to involve them actively in decision making processes. We are an inclusive party, promoting diversity. The involvement of young people within our Parties must be increased, including of those with an ethnic or migrant background. The PES Activists and the Young European Socialists are just an example of active participation of young people to the democratic life. Their contribution during the last European elections was impressive”, she added.

Tanja Fajon, MEP (S&D) and President of the PES Democracy and Society Network said: “Today is an opportunity to reflect on the state of democracy in the world. Democracy is not just democratic principles, the rule of law, media freedom, fight against discrimination, respect for integrity and human dignity; democracy is a process we should all strive for constantly. We must not forget that democracy is not self-evident”.

“Our values and democratic principles of the rule of law, respect for human and minority rights ought to be safeguarded as nowadays democracy faces two major problems: firstly the distrust with our own political systems and institutions, and secondly the rise of nationalism and intolerance together with the rule of extremists in some EU countries. In addition, the European Union has been facing with the emergence of a democratic deficit”. The PES Democracy and Society network will have a discussion on this matter in a public debate which will be held on Friday, 21 November in Vienna.

“I urge all citizens to become active, whereas only through higher political participation and collaboration at all levels we can truly make a difference. Without the active voice of the people, especially the young, our democracy will never be healthy”, added Tanja Fajon.