PES President congratulates ČSSD and Bohuslav Sobotka on their fight for a fair tax system

PES President congratulates ČSSD and Bohuslav Sobotka on their fight for a  fair tax system

The PES President also pointed out that;much has already been achieved thanks to the work of the PES family despite resistance from the conservatives and the liberals. We have taken steps to improve financial regulation and supervision, increase financial transparency and ensure financial stability. Now that Bohuslav is the Prime Minister, we can see a clear presence and influence of the Czech Republic at European level. This is what we need: an engaged, people-oriented Czech government, actively taking part in our common work to make a better, more progressive Europe”.

During his visit to Czech Republic, Sergei Stanishev also hosted the PES Seminar on Eastern Partnership with the aim to evaluate the current EU policy towards the East and establish and strengthen dialogue with the progressive forces of the region.