PES livestream to focus on delivering rights for platform workers

PES livestream to focus on delivering rights for platform workers

Digitisation is changing the workplace. But however they work, citizens must retain strong employment rights and protections. Delivering this objective will be the focus this week at the PES livestream ‘Platform work: time to deliver rights’.

Europe’s socialist and democratic political family is pushing to improve conditions for people employed through apps like Uber, Deliveroo and Gorillas and make sure they have access to social protection and their rights are enforced.

Join the PES on 28 October from 18h30CET to hear progressive proposals from European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights Nicolas Schmit, S&D EMPL coordinator and Chair of the PES Social Europe Network Agnes Jongerius MEP, Italian Minister of Labour and Social Policies Andrea Orlando, Portuguese Deputy Minister for Labour and Vocational Training Miguel Cabrita, and ETUC Confederal Secretary Ludovic Voet. The live online discussion will be moderated by PES Deputy Secretary General Yonnec Polet.

The event will be livestreamed on the PES Facebook page in English, German and Italian. Find out more.

As technologies facilitate innovation, expand consumer choices, and create new jobs that promise greater flexibility and autonomy, our societies must ensure that digital platforms respect good working and employment standards. New forms of work must never be an excuse for social dumping, the externalisation of employers’ responsibilities or the erosion of protections.

It is time to ensure digitisation delivers for workers: no job without a contract, no job without a fair salary, and a ban on fake self-employment.