The PES has long called for European rules on the posting of workers to better ensure that free movement works in the interest of all workers. Although it could have benefitted from a greater consultation with social partners, the Commission proposal for a revision is a welcome step in this direction. By addressing the duration of postings, the extension of collective agreements to posted workers or the rules that apply through the contracting chain, it finally opens a discussion on issues we have long identified as problematic.
Sergei Stanishev, President of the Party of European Socialists commented: “It is essential that this revision puts an end to social dumping and precarious work to improve the situation for European workers. We insist on strong rules to guarantee equal pay for equal work in the same workplace, the protection of workers and quality jobs. We also insist on a full engagement of the social partners in this process.
Strengthening the rules, closing the loopholes that harm all workers, both mobile and domestic will ensure all workers’ basic social and labour rights are respected throughout Europe. This is why we are determined to reinforce existing rules, and to further promote high social and labour standards.”