European socialists and democrats want to make sure social issues remain high on the EU agenda. This is the objective members of the Social Europe Network (SEN) of the Party of European Socialists (PES) outlined when they met to prepare for the EU Social Forum in Porto next month.
The creation of quality jobs, well-funded public services, the elimination of gender-based violence, the fight against poverty, and the cost-of-living crisis – these and other issues will be in focus at the Forum on 26-27 May, organised in Porto by Portugal’s socialist government.
Network Chair and PvdA MEP Agnes Jongerius said:
“Ahead of the European elections, progressives are working to ensure social issues do not slip off the EU agenda. In Gothenburg in 2017 our family delivered the European Pillar of Social Rights. Four years later, the Porto Social Summit introduced actionable commitments and concrete headline targets. Next month, we will take the next steps to build the social Europe we want.
“From wages, to public services, to equality, and the cost of living, Europe faces many challenges. That is why Antonio Costa’s proposal for the Social Forum comes just at the right moment. Our political family will make it a success.”
Ahead of the Social Forum, and in cooperation with PS Portugal, the PES will organise its own side-event – the PES Social Summit – to support the Portuguese government’s initiative and to reinforce social issues in the EU agenda.
The Network also exchanged on the Directive on Improving Conditions in Platform Work, reaffirming the progressive objective of adopting ambitious legislation under this mandate. The PES family will continue pushing for a directive that includes the necessary safeguards to maintain a high level of protections for platform workers. These safeguards are present in the original Commission position and the position adopted by the Parliament but have been watered down in recent proposals discussed in the Council. We urge Member States to agree quickly on an ambitious general approach.
Meeting participants also reflected on initiatives to boost employment. This includes Local Employment Guarantees (also referred to as Zero long term unemployment zones) to help people who have been without work for extended periods back into employment, and action to address shortages in specific sectors such as healthcare, transport, hospitality, and STEM and ICT, in particular via an improvement of working conditions. To support the green and digital transitions, up-skilling, re-skilling and lifelong learning must be prioritised.
The Network also exchanged on the Working Time Directive as part of the wider socialist mission to ensure employees have sufficient time to rest, spend time with their families and pursue their interests and passions.
Measures to support the health and wellbeing of citizens were also on the meeting agenda, including ensuring mental health support is available for those seeking help and action to guarantee accessibility and fair, transparent and sustainable pricing of medicines for all.