The PES is thrilled that the Platform Work Directive, introduced by the Socialists and Democrats, was yesterday adopted by the European Parliament with an overwhelming majority. With 554 votes in favor and only 56 against, the directive will now provide millions of workers in the gig economy with more rights and better protection. That is an achievement of the progressive family in Europe, of our Common candidate Nicolas Schmit and the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, who initiated the process, of the MEPs in the Socialist and Democrats group in the European Parliament and of the PES, which elaborated in the process through the PES EPSCO Ministers meetings and the PES Social Europe Network.
PES Secretary general Giacomo Filibeck, who was at the European Parliament in Strasbourg during the vote on the directive, said:
The adoption of the Platform Work Directive is a historic victory for our political family and for the workers in Europe. The directive, which will give better protection to more than 30 million gig workers in the EU is also a significant victory over the digital giants and the global digital platforms who are profiting on people in need. These people will now have better workers’ rights and protection.
I commend our common candidate Nicolas Schmit, who launched the idea to protect the gig economy workers 8 years ago, and who successfully brought it to European legislation. The PES is proud of the work done by Elisabetta Gualmini, MEP, S&D vice-president and European Parliament’s rapporteur on platform work legislation with the significant support of Agnes Jongerius, MEP, chair of the PES Social Europe Network and devoted fighter for worker’s rights.”
This directive and the rights that come with it are the result of a long process and relentless work of the Socialists and Democrats in Europe. Since 2016 the PES network of employment ministers has focused on the issue. We have supported the directive at each step of its adoption until the agreement in trilogue. We have not only put the protection of platform workers in the EU agenda, but also delivered on it!