PES Women renews commitment to progress gender equality in new mandate

PES Women Executive meeting, 13 September 2024

PES Women Executive meeting, 13 September 2024

Today, members of the PES Women Executive board met for the first time under the new legislative term to reaffirm their commitment to meet new challenges and progress feminist priorities under this mandate.

The meeting welcomed two special guests for a strategic discussion on the new term: Katarina Barley, PES Executive Vice-President, also re-elected as Vice-President of the European Parliament, and Lina Gálvez Muñoz, elected new Chair of the FEMM Committee.

The PES Women Executive also dedicated time to exchange on political developments related to gender issues at European institutional level that have emerged since they last met.

PES Women President Zita Gurmai said:

“Following the European elections, we are entering a period where critical institutional decisions are being made, including negotiations and appointments to high-level positions. It is essential to remain vigilant about the dynamics at play and how women’s rights will be prioritised in this new mandate. Gender equality in decision-making positions should not be optional, but rather a given, as women make up half of the population. However, the latest news sadly reminds us that the reality still falls short.”

Board members also began planning PES Women activities to support S&D FEMM partner members in the European Parliament and exchanged on actions relating to the future equality portfolio in the new European Commission.