European socialists announce details of next Congress

European socialists announce details of next Congress

Today, the Presidency of the PES – the party’s highest decision-making body, bringing together full member parties and organisations – announced details of the event.

Hosted with support from the governing German SPD – a PES full member party – the Congress will take place in Berlin on 14-15 October 2022. Heads of state and government, European Commissioners, party leaders and other representatives will attend.

The Presidency also exchanged today on the strategic challenges Europe faces, including Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine, energy security, the rising cost of living for citizens, and other issues.

PES President Sergei Stanishev said:

“It will be my pleasure to welcome socialists and democrats from all across Europe to Berlin, where we have an SPD-led government once again.

“2022 marks the 30th anniversary of our party. We mark this anniversary in a strong position, with social democracy growing across Europe. And we are working to strengthen it further.

“Europe is about a year and a half away from the next European election. It comes at a moment of fundamental changes and high uncertainties. As socialists we are presenting policies to address the covid crisis, deep shifts in the international security and multilateral balance, soaring energy prices and inflation, the climate crisis and social challenges. That is why citizens are placing their trust in us.”

PES member parties lead seven EU governments – Germany, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Denmark, Finland and Malta – and are part of the governing coalition in a further six Member States – Italy, Romania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Luxembourg. Nine European Commissioners are part of the PES family.

Further details on the 2022 PES Congress will be made available in the coming period.

Alongside statutory decisions, a resolution setting out the priorities of the PES will be adopted by the Congress, setting the stage for the run-up to the next European elections.