New EU Commission: strong PES talents must be given space to develop Progressive policies

New EU Commission:  strong PES talents must be given space to develop  Progressive policies

The PES President, who is also a Member of the European Parliament (MEP), continued that he was; “looking forward to coordinating with Socialists & Democrats (S&D) leader Gianni Pittella on the Parliament hearings for the Commission candidates”. The hearings are scheduled to start on 29th September. “We will have a very rigorous approach to the hearings to make sure that the highest EU standards are adhered to”.

The PES welcomes the appointment of Frans Timmermans and Federica Mogherini as senior Vice-Presidents within the new European Commission. Vice-President Timmermans will act as President Juncker’s Deputy and ensure a strong PES voice across all areas of the Commission’s activity. In addition, we are delighted to see that the key portfolio of Economic and Financial Affairs has been awarded to Pierre Moscovici, giving a strong voice to our political family in the reform of the stagnant European economy.

The other five Commissioners from the PES family have also been rewarded with important portfolios. Maros Sefcovic, Commissioner for Transport & Space, has a crucial and forward-looking role in adapting Europe to the connectivity challenges of the future. Corina Cretu, Commissioner for Regional Policy, takes control of one of the most significant budgetary responsibilities in the Commission, with an important role in fighting inequality across Europe. Karmenu Vella, Commissioner for Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, takes on a newly strengthened portfolio, and is given responsibility for defending our precious natural resources.

Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation & Development, has a key role as the world faces increasing humanitarian crises and demographic challenges. Vytenis Andriukaitis, Commissioner for Health & Food Safety, will play a vital role in protecting Europe’s citizens.

The PES Commissioners will shape Europe’s political direction for the next five years, and will ensure that the wishes of citizens, as expressed in May’s elections, are fully respected. A new approach to investment is needed to finally overcome the unemployment crisis which has festered in the past five years. PES Commissioners will ensure that social dialogue is at the heart of employment policies so that the jobs created are good jobs which allow a decent standard of living.