PES will be “unrelenting” in ensuring Juncker Commission takes a more progressive path

PES will be “unrelenting” in ensuring Juncker Commission takes a more  progressive path

PES President Sergei Stanishev said, “Today marks the move from process to policy. From now until 2019, the PES will press unrelentingly to ensure that Juncker’s Commission pursues a more progressive path”. Stanishev emphasised that; “Mr Juncker has made important promises on an investment plan, social protection for European workers, a progressive investment strategy, and an expansion of the Youth Guarantee. We will hold him to these commitments and ensure that his Commission does not pursue a ‘business as usual’ approach.”

Speaking on the ‘spitzenkandidat’ process, Mr. Stanishev added; “Today was, however, a good day for representative democracy in the EU . We have made history today. European elections will never be the same after this vote. The people of Europe now have a direct say in who leads the EU and which political programme that person will adopt. The PES will show over the coming years why the EU needs a radically more progressive approach.”

“The Party of European Socialists was the first party to present a common candidate for the 2014 European elections, and ran a continent-wide campaign which mobilised millions of supporters behind our common candidate Martin Schulz. The superior reach of the Socialist campaign online and in the media is a good sign for the 2019 campaign, when we hope to build on our extensive grassroots support”, stated the PES President.