Progressive Europe Ministers Working for a fair solution to Keep UK in the EU

Progressive Europe Ministers Working for a fair solution to Keep UK in the  EU

The impact of the referendum on Britain’s membership of the European Union could hardly be overstated. The Ministers stated their unswerving commitment to keeping the UK in the European Union while preserving the principles and values that are at the heart of the common EU project. They agree that together in a coordinated manner they stand stronger to improve the EU, and use it as an instrument for growth, jobs, and social fairness for the benefit of European citizens.

Socialists and Democrats Ministers also discussed refugee crisis in Europe.

French Minister of State for European Affairs and chair of the PES GAC Ministers network, Harlem Desir, stated:

There can be only an European answer to the crisis if we want to preserve asylum right and Schengen acquis. We have already agreed on a set of measures, including hotspots, relocation of refugees, control of external borders, European coast guard, fight against smugglers, enhanced cooperation with countries of transit and origin, action plan with Turkey. We need now to focus on the implementation. Socialists have been fighting for a fair and effective European solution to the crisis, following our principles of fair sharing of responsibility, solidarity and mutual respect.”


The meeting was also attended by

Lubomír Zaorálek, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Czech Republic
Michael Roth, Minister of State for Europe, Germany
Sandro Gozi, State Secretary for European Affairs, Italy
Margarida Marques, State Secretary for European Affairs, Portugal
Hans Dahlgren, State Secretary for International and EU Affairs, Sweden
Enrique Guerrero, Vice President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament
Frazer Clarke, Deputy Secretary General of the S&D Group in the European Parliament
Yonnec Polet, Deputy Secretary General, PES