“After years of attempts to accumulate all the power in his own hands, limiting the freedom of expression, be it against the critical media or against opposition parties and dissenting social movements, Recep Tayyip Erdogan wakes up in front of a new Turkey raising its voice through a peaceful democratic vote”, said PES President Sergei Stanishev. “Despite their diversity our two member parties can represent an alternative to a political dominion which lasted for more than a decade and seemed undefeatable. The European progressive family will continue to support the efforts of both CHP and HDP in uniting the country, defending civil and political rights and in promoting a social agenda which can face the current and upcoming challenges. Following this uncertain outcome it is important that all political forces contribute to the stability and development of Turkey in line with democratic values”.
After such a strong showing of democracy, we are hopeful that the next Turkish government will respect the demands of the people, who clearly voted for a free, democratic and pluralistic society.