PES denounces election farce in Equatorial Guinea

PES denounces election farce in Equatorial Guinea

Therefore, the ongoing election in Equatorial Guinea can be considered nothing but a pure farce, a staging that intends to perpetuate the tyrannic rule of Teodoro Obiang. The Party of European Socialists believes that nobody will be deceived about the false character of this election, just as nobody in the international community is deceived about the autocratic nature of Obiang’s regime, which has lasted for almost forty years.

We, the European progressives, defend Human Rights in the face of repression and democracy and political rights in the face of dictatorship. We praise the courage, the commitment and the good work of the opposition party Convergencia para la Democracia Social (CPDS). Their struggle for the people of Equatorial Guinea deeply inspires us. The PES believes that, under the current circumstances, their decision to boycott the election is the right decision.

The PES will continue to support democracy and truly democratic elections in Equatorial Guinea and elsewhere.