News & press releases
PES Women: Angela Merkel must unblock ’Women on Boards’ Directive
Women make up less than 30% of board members and only 8% of CEOs of the largest listed companies in the EU. This gender inequality in economic decision-making is not only unfair, it is a waste of human resources, talent and innovative potential, PES Women said today as it called for the EU’s Women on Boards Directive to be implemented.
EU must stick to its values in the face of internal and international challenges
The EU must stand up when its values and Member States are challenged, socialist and democratic prime ministers, European Commissioners and leaders said today as they met to coordinate ahead of the Special European Council.
PES Women: Women’s rights must take centre stage in new EU asylum and migration pact
Gender equality in EU asylum and migration policy is not optional, it is essential. That was the message of PES Women Vice-President Marja Bijl to the PES Migration & Integration Network today, where she called once again for a gender-sensitive and humane EU asylum and migration policy on behalf of PES Women.
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