News & press releases
Presidency reaffirms fight against gender inequality and racism
The fight against discrimination was in focus at yesterday’s PES Presidency meeting, as Presidency members received a campaign update from PES Women and adopted a declaration reaffirming the socialist and democratic family’s commitment to the fight against racism.
PES declaration strongly urges the European Council to agree on an ambitious Recovery Plan for COVID-19
Meeting by videoconference, the PES Presidency today adopted a declaration calling for an ambitious Recovery Fund so the EU can overcome the COVID-19 crisis and move towards a green, social, digital, gender-equal, inclusive and sustainable future.
PES Foreign Policy Network condemns injustices in Turkey and discusses institutional racism in US and Europe
Justice must win out in the USA and Turkey, foreign affairs spokespersons, MEPs, MPs and key representatives from the progressive political family said today as they convened to discuss foreign policy.
PES denounces Canan Kaftancıoğlu’s prison sentence for her political tweets
The Party of European Socialists regrets the decision of the Turkish Court of Appeals to sentence Canan Kaftancıoğlu, from our Turkish associate party CHP, to ten years in prison for expressing her legitimate opinions on Twitter. The PES calls for the immediate repeal of the sentence.
PES backs Commissioner Nicolas Schmit’s priority on youth employment
Commissioner Schmit’s push to ensure youth employment is a priority for the EU’s recovery strategy is timely and highly necessary, PES President Sergei Stanishev said today. Since the onset of this pandemic, the PES has ramped up its calls for the EU to extend and strengthen the policies socialists and democrats introduced after the last crisis.
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