News & press releases
PES: MFF must ensure proper funding for greener, more social Europe, with strengthened Rule of Law
The European Council must reach an agreement that allows the EU to deliver on progressive priorities like the Green Deal, the European Pillar of Social Rights and to endorse the Rule of Law, the PES said at a European Council preparation meeting in Brussels today.
Europe must act together to strengthen pathways for labour migration
Our family is committed to creating more safe and regular channels for migration to help people in need of protection, to address labour market needs and skills shortages, and to maximise the benefits for the countries of origin, the PES-FEPS Migration & Integration Network meeting in Brussels said today.
MFF must provide proper funding to realise Green Deal potential and social well-being
Agreement on the MFF must keep guard over our shared values and include proper funding for Europe’s growth strategy, the European Green Deal, and social progress, ministers from the progressive political family said this afternoon at a meeting in Brussels.
Progressives put pivotal change on the EU’s 2020 agenda, PES conferences and Congress will drive this change forward
Europe’s socialist and democratic political family discussed strategy, the next multiannual financial framework (MFF), its upcoming Congress and a series of conferences on its main priorities this year, at a PES Presidency meeting in Brussels today.
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