News & press releases

PES celebrates International Pride Day in Madrid
Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity

PES celebrates International Pride Day in Madrid

UK Labour leader

PES congratulates Keir Starmer and the Labour Party on a stunning election victory

PES regrets the moving of U.S. embassy to Jerusalem

PES regrets the moving of U.S. embassy to Jerusalem

The PES regrets the moving of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem today. The move makes a political solution more difficult, not least because it is likely to trigger violence on the ground.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
High-level working group finalises a progressive vision for Europe’s future

High-level working group finalises a progressive vision for Europe’s future

A comprehensive and detailed policy document on a progressive future for Europe is being finalised by high-level representatives of the Party of European Socialists.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
PES welcomes the election victory of the progressive parties in Malaysia

PES welcomes the election victory of the progressive parties in Malaysia

The Party of European socialists congratulates the Democratic Action Party and Pakatan Harapan on their victory at the last General Elections in Malaysia.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES deeply regrets Trump’s sabotage of Iran deal

PES deeply regrets Trump’s sabotage of Iran deal

The Party of European Socialists deeply regrets the decision of president Trump to pull the United States out of the nuclear deal with Iran, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPA).

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Solidarity in Europe needs financial commitment after 2020

Solidarity in Europe needs financial commitment after 2020

PES ministers in charge of cohesion policy have called for an appropriate level of investment following the Commission’s draft seven-year budget, which includes proposed cuts to cohesion funding after 2020.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Social Europe Network calls for a stand against inequality

Social Europe Network calls for a stand against inequality

Rising inequality is one of the biggest problems facing Europe, and addressing it is at the heart of our fight as socialists and social democrats. This was the conclusion of the PES Social Europe network, which met in Brussels today.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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