News & press releases

Yes Summer Camp
Youth, Education, Inclusiveness

Katarina Barley at the YES Summer Camp: A Europe that works for youth is our priority

The President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament and First Vice-President of the PES Iratxe García Pérez congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election as President of the European Commission moments after the result of the vote was announced.

Socialists and democrats will hold Commission President to progressive promises

2018, a decisive electoral year

2018, a decisive electoral year

Elections in 2018 will set the tone for the future of the European Union — and we stand ready to support all progressive parties, wherever they face electoral challenges! Some of our government parties will face the popular vote. Some of our governments-in-waiting will fight for the power to change the political agenda. All of that is setting the stage for the 2019 European elections and will be shaping European policy, hopefully in a progressive way, with a Union more social and more opened towards its citizens.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES leader calls for a fair trial for Lula da Silva

PES leader calls for a fair trial for Lula da Silva

There is growing concern within the Party of European Socialists about signs of political interference in the trial of former president of Brazil Luiz Inácio ‘Lula’ da Silva. This casts doubts on the possibility of a fair, equitable trial.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Europe’s social democrats welcome SPD’s landmark EU stance in pre-coalition talks

Europe’s social democrats welcome SPD’s landmark EU stance in pre-coalition talks

The Party of European Socialists warmly welcomes the new position on Europe negotiated by the SPD in its pre-talks discussion on a future German coalition government.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES: Autocratic purges of elected mayors in Turkey must be reversed

PES: Autocratic purges of elected mayors in Turkey must be reversed

The Party of European Socialists strongly condemns the Turkish government’s authoritarian purge of elected officials from opposition parties, including last week’s dismissal of Murat Hazinedar, the elected mayor of Besiktaş district in Istanbul.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES approves Article 7 trigger, calls on Poland to respect fundamental values

PES approves Article 7 trigger, calls on Poland to respect fundamental values

The Party of European Socialists approves of the European Commission’s decision to trigger Article 7 of the EU treaties, in response to the violations of the rule of law and the separation of powers by the government and president of Poland.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES energy ministers support a progressive European energy agenda

PES energy ministers support a progressive European energy agenda

Ahead of today’s EU energy council, PES energy ministers met today to discuss a progressive agenda for Europe.

Environment, Climate, Energy

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