News & press releases
PES Women: From gaining to owning power
Where does power lie? What is the true role of women in today’s society? In a world which too often puts women’s issues on the back burner, women are increasingly willing to stand up for and protect their rights — but why has this not yet translated into increased political engagement?
PES secretaries general meet in Lisbon to discuss shared challenges
Secretaries general, campaign managers and senior organisers from Europe’s progressive parties met today in advance of the annual PES Council in Lisbon, to analyse political developments in their own countries and discuss close cooperation in the coming months.
PES Council in Lisbon to decide on common candidate & debate future of Europe
Socialists and democrats from around Europe are preparing to gather in Lisbon for the PES Council on 1–2 December, where they will adopt a strong resolution on the future of Europe and decide on the process for choosing a common candidate for the president of the European Commission in the 2019 European elections.
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