Elections in Cyprus

Elections in Cyprus

“The Party of European Socialists stands by the Cypriot People in its struggle to end the illegal occupation of part of the Republic of Cyprus. The PES reiterates its active support for a comprehensive settlement of the political problem within the framework of the United Nations that will be based on the relevant UN Resolutions and upon the principles the EU is founded.”

“The Party of European Socialists stresses the importance of the election of another progressive government in Europe. Cyprus needs to continue on the road of social values, with a government that promotes social cohesion and solidarity. In our efforts to build a Social Europe we need a Social Cyprus.”

Julian Scola, Communications Advisor – Media & Campaigns 
Party of European Socialists, Rue du Trône, 98, B-1050 Brussels
Mobile +32 486 117 394
[email protected]

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