Six million young people in Europe currently don’t have a job to go to. This generation is the most educated generation we have raised in our continent but is facing the biggest challenge in history to find a job.
“Here in Poland that means one in four is unemployed, and this is among the most important challenges that the European socialists must address”, said Schulz. “Let’s change Poland and let’s change Europe. I do not want to live in Europe, in which speculators earn billions and pay no taxes. I want a Europe with more solidarity and less bureaucracy”, he continued.
The three leaders addressed the large crowd in Warsaw and urged those present and all EU citizens to participate in the European elections and vote for the socialist, social-democratic and labour parties in their country.
Schulz continued with a reminder of the anniversary of the Polish accession to the EU, and how important & symbolic the European Elections are in May
“If you want to change Europe, you most vote for change in Europe. In the end of May you have the chance to make a difference,” said Schulz.
Schulz also appealed to the participants in the rally to mobilize their colleagues, friends and neighbours to go to the polls. Schulz underlined that if each of our voters brings one friend to the ballot box with them, then we have a great chance of success in May.
Schulz concluded, “Bring your friends to the polling station in the end of May, so we can put an end to misery and job losses. Together we can bring change to Europe and to Poland.”