PES congratulates new Prime Minister of Romania Marcel Ciolacu

FIle photo: Marcel Ciolacu, leader of Partidul Social Democrat (PSD) and the new Prime Minister of Romania, speaking at a PSD event

FIle photo: Marcel Ciolacu, leader of Partidul Social Democrat (PSD) and the new Prime Minister of Romania, speaking at a PSD event

A more social, just, and prosperous Romania awaits under Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu. The Party of European Socialists (PES) congratulates Prime Minister Ciolacu and PSD Romania – a full member party of the PES – on the new social democrat-led government.

PES President Stefan Löfven said:

“We welcome Marcel Ciolacu as the new Prime Minister of Romania. Under his leadership, this social democrat-led government will deliver a better life for citizens in Romania. They can count on him for a more social, just, sustainable and prosperous country. We are looking forward to continuing our strong cooperation with Prime Minister Ciolacu and the PSD.”

Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu is the leader of PSD, the largest party in both Romania’s Senate and Chamber of Deputies. PSD is the main party in a grand coalition which formed in 2021, and now takes over the position of prime minister mid-term as part of the coalition agreement. Prime Minister Ciolacu has said his future government will focus on the economy and reforms.

Earlier this year, PES was proud to join with PSD to celebrate the party’s proud history.