PES welcomes Serbian EU ‘Candidate Status’

PES welcomes Serbian EU ‘Candidate Status’

He added that; “This fulfils the commitment that the DS Party made to the people of Serbia back in 2008. It is a great endorsement for the party on the eve of their national elections. We believe that the Serbian people have shown that they are ready to become EU Members and we support them fully in this”.

MEP Kristian Vigenin, Chair of the PES Taskforce on the Western Balkans Enlargement stated that “this is the most important step in the European integration process of Serbia so far, which puts the country firmly on the path towards accession. While I congratulate Serbia for this achievement, I should also underline that a lot of work lies ahead. We will continue to support this process to the end”.

For more information, please contact Brian Synnott, PES Media Adviser, +32 (0)474 98 96 75, [email protected]