Stanishev demands Juncker’s Commission implement concrete jobs and growth investment strategy at EP hearing

Stanishev demands Juncker’s Commission implement concrete jobs and growth  investment strategy at EP hearing

Stanishev told Juncker: “You represent the largest party in the Parliament but you do not have an overwhelming majority. Europe’s voters told us that ‘business as usual’ is not the answer. We need a clear signal from you of how you will change policy direction, if you want our support.”

The ten-point programme proposed by Mr Stanishev closely reflects the PES Election Manifesto. It calls for strong action to stimulate growth in Europe through strategic long-term investments which create jobs in the short-to-medium term and prepare Europe’s economy to compete globally in the 21st Century.

Referring to social policy and youth unemployment, Stanishev told Juncker: “The fight for women’s rights was central to our campaign. You must take measures to guarantee equal pay for equal work. To fight youth unemployment, the PES proposed the Youth Guarantee. We want you to expand this programme and provide more funding for it.”

The PES ten-point policy priorities can be found here. The formal vote on Mr Juncker’s nomination takes place in the European Parliament in Strasbourg on 15 July.