PES President welcomes first steps towards child guarantee

PES President welcomes first steps towards child guarantee

‘I am particularly glad that it was the S&D group who facilitated a cross party majority in support of this report. It is a very positive and welcome step that contributes greatly to this common, socialist effort. Together we will ensure that the EU improves the lives of our children, so that they may have a more prosperous future.’

‘I committed to working to combat child poverty in my campaign to be re-elected as PES President. I specifically called for the establishment of a child guarantee. I intend to keep that promise, and am happy to announce that, building on the work of EMPL colleagues, the PES will be launching a major campaign on this issue, which we have been discussing with all of our member parties.’

PES President Sergei Stanishev met today with Luxembourg’s Minister for Employment and Social Affairs Nicolas Schmit to discuss this and other issues.