News & press releases

PES ministers for gender equality reaffirm commitment to accelerate women’s rights for a truly feminist and equal Europe

PES ministers for gender equality reaffirm commitment to accelerate women’s rights for a truly feminist and equal Europe

EU leaders must show a clear commitment to women’s rights and gender equality by creating a forum for intergovernmental exchange at the EU-level, progressive gender equality ministers agreed today.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
Presidency reaffirms fight against gender inequality and racism

Presidency reaffirms fight against gender inequality and racism

The fight against discrimination was in focus at yesterday’s PES Presidency meeting, as Presidency members received a campaign update from PES Women and adopted a declaration reaffirming the socialist and democratic family’s commitment to the fight against racism.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES Women: It is time to create a formal Council configuration for Gender Equality

PES Women: It is time to create a formal Council configuration for Gender Equality

Ahead of the EU leaders meeting on 19 June, PES Women and its member organisations are once again calling on the European Council to establish a Council configuration for gender equality.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES goes live on 3 June:   why multilateralism matters and how feminism can change the world

PES goes live on 3 June: why multilateralism matters and how feminism can change the world

Multilateralism, the role for the EU, and feminist foreign policy will all be on the agenda as European Commissioners, leaders, ministers and MEPs from the progressive political family convene for a livestream this week.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES Women Gender Equality Network presents ‘A Feminist Economy for Europe’

PES Women Gender Equality Network presents ‘A Feminist Economy for Europe’

A feminist economy is vital for any economic recovery and the only way to ensure women, in all their diversity, can live and work on equal terms with men, the PES Women Gender Equality Network said today.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES Ministers for gender equality and women’s rights call for a feminist response to the COVID-19 crisis

PES Ministers for gender equality and women’s rights call for a feminist response to the COVID-19 crisis

Implementing gender equality must be a key priority for the COVID-19 recovery strategy, progressive gender equality ministers said today as they met with European Commissioner for Equality Helena Dalli.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity

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