News & press releases

PES welcomes the endorsement of Kamala Harris as presidential candidate by the U.S. Democrats
Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

PES welcomes the endorsement of Kamala Harris as presidential candidate by the U.S. Democrats

Giacomo Filibeck and Salvador Ilia

PES congratulates the newly elected President of Catalonia, Salvador Illa

Election re-run is worrying sign for Turkish democracy

Election re-run is worrying sign for Turkish democracy

The PES is deeply worried about the frequent attempts of the Turkish Government and President Erdoğan to change the results of the Istanbul Mayoral elections, held at the end of March, which saw the AKP lose power in the city.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
ARD ‘European Election Arena’: Timmermans discusses ideas for a fairer and more sustainable Europe with live TV audience in Cologne

ARD ‘European Election Arena’: Timmermans discusses ideas for a fairer and more sustainable Europe with live TV audience in Cologne

Frans Timmermans tonight set out his plans for the future of the European Union in a live TV debate with his conservative rival on ARD in Germany.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
New President brings North Macedonia one step closer to European future

New President brings North Macedonia one step closer to European future

The PES welcomes the historic victory of associate member party Socijaldemokratski Sojuz na Makedonija (SDSM) in Sunday’s presidential vote, which brings the Republic of North Macedonia one step closer to joining the family of European nations.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
OpEd: If Europe doesn’t care for the people, the people won’t care for Europe

OpEd: If Europe doesn’t care for the people, the people won’t care for Europe

Later this year member states will negotiate the EU’s budget for 2021-2027. It will be a complex, technical and (most likely) tortuous task. But, if we are going to get an agreement that allows Europe to thrive, member states need to appreciate the value – not just the price – of what’s being negotiated.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Florence Debate highlights stark choice facing voters

Florence Debate highlights stark choice facing voters

Another strong performance from PES Common Candidate Frans Timmermans in the Florence debate today underlined the clear choice facing European voters – a progressive Europe built on cooperation, or a divided Europe focused on confrontation.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
From north to south, European voters are backing progressive politics

From north to south, European voters are backing progressive politics

Spain is the latest country to say it’s time to put socialists and social democrats back in charge, the Party of Europeans Socialists said today as it welcomed the result of Sunday’s general election.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law

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