News & press releases

PES celebrates International Pride Day in Madrid
Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity

PES celebrates International Pride Day in Madrid

UK Labour leader

PES congratulates Keir Starmer and the Labour Party on a stunning election victory

PES supports action on tax fraud

PES supports action on tax fraud

The Party of European Socialists supports today’s decision of the European finance ministers to make intermediaries — tax advisors, accountants and lawyers — legally accountable for cases of tax fraud or tax dodging.

Economy, Finance, Cohesion
PES: Social fairness package fails to live up to promises

PES: Social fairness package fails to live up to promises

The long-awaited social fairness package published by the European Commission today falls short of what was promised in several key respects, the Party of European Socialists warns.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES fully supports PD Italy in its renewal process

PES fully supports PD Italy in its renewal process

The Party of European Socialists stands ready to support the Italian Partito Democratico in the renewal process that will accompany the election of a new leader.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES Gender Equality Ministers adopt statement on Istanbul Convention

PES Gender Equality Ministers adopt statement on Istanbul Convention

On the eve of the EU gender equality ministers’ meeting, under the leadership of the Bulgarian Presidency at the 62nd UN Session of Commission on the Status of Women, PES gender equality ministers call on the Bulgarian Presidency to encourage all EU Member states to ratify the Istanbul Convention, and to ratify the document on behalf of the EU before handing over the presidency to Austria.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES meets ECB president to urge sustainable and fair economic policy

PES meets ECB president to urge sustainable and fair economic policy

PES president Sergei Stanishev met today with Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, to lay out the PES’s priorities for economic convergence, quality jobs and wages, and the need for strong investment across Europe.

Economy, Finance, Cohesion
PES health ministers prioritise top quality healthcare for all

PES health ministers prioritise top quality healthcare for all

Providing the highest standards of public health for all Europeans is a priority, agreed health ministers from the PES political family.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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