News & press releases

Yes Summer Camp
Youth, Education, Inclusiveness

Katarina Barley at the YES Summer Camp: A Europe that works for youth is our priority

The President of the S&D Group in the European Parliament and First Vice-President of the PES Iratxe García Pérez congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election as President of the European Commission moments after the result of the vote was announced.

Socialists and democrats will hold Commission President to progressive promises

Move Forward Party leader Chaithawat Tulathon. Picture: ชัยธวัช ตุลาธน - Chaithawat Tulathon

PES: court case against legally elected party threatens democracy in Thailand 

The Party of European Socialists expresses concerns regarding the current Constitutional Court case in Thailand against the Move Forward Party (MFP) based on its proposal…

Parti Socialiste-Place publique supporters at a European elections rally in Paris, France, 30 May 2024

PES supports the common front against the far right in France

PES President, Stefan Löfven, welcomed the agreement of a New Popular Front against the far right, signed by Parti socialiste-Place publique and the other forces…

PES Presidency commends Nicolas Schmit, names Chancellor Scholz and Prime Minister Sanchez as PES negotiators

PES Presidency commends Nicolas Schmit, names Chancellor Scholz and Prime Minister Sanchez as PES negotiators

Meeting today to assess the results of 2024 European elections, members of the Presidency of the Party of European Socialists commended PES Common Candidate Nicolas…

Nicolas Schmit, European Parliament

As the leading progressive group, S&Ds will work for a pro-European and democratic majority

The European Socialists and Democrats returned successfully as the second largest and main progressive group with at least 135 members for the 2024-2029 mandate of…

PES calls out Turkish authorities on antidemocratic removal of co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış

PES calls out Turkish authorities on antidemocratic removal of co-Mayor Mehmet Sıddık Akış

The Party of European Socialists (PES) rejects the arbitrary and antidemocractic removal of co-Mayor of Hakkari Mehmet Sıddık Akış. Akış, from our Kurdish associate member…

Socialist and social-democratic Greater Region mayors support Nicolas Schmit

Socialist and social-democratic Greater Region mayors support Nicolas Schmit

On 3 June more than 45 mayors of the Greater Region of Luxembourg, Lorraine, Saarland, and Wallonia signed a declaration to support PES Common Candidate…


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