News & press releases
PES welcomes EUCO endorsement for progressive energy plan
Support for REPowerEU from European heads of state or government is a positive step, but clear challenges for Europe remain following the European Council. The European Union must not allow conservatives to block progress, the Party of European Socialists warned today.
EUCO must show unity now and defend citizens, PES Europe ministers urge
Building on the solidarity shown at the outset of the coronavirus pandemic, European leaders must continue to act together to defend Europeans from spiralling prices and strengthen European security. This was the message as Europe ministers from the Party of European Socialists (PES) met in Brussels today.
Australia’s centre-left swings back into victory opening a new era of progress
After many years of conservative politics ruling Australia voters have finally had enough, booting out Scott Morrison’s scandal laden administration. The election of the Australian Labor Party’s Anthony Albanese has been welcomed by world leaders and civil society advocates who see this as the moment to achieve transformational change in the Indo-Pacific region on climate, trade, and a slew of issues.
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