News & press releases

PES President Stefan Löfven (eighth from left), PES Secretary General Achim Post (fifth from left), PES Executive Secretary General Giacomo Filibeck (first left) and other high-level progressives at the FES Zeitenwende Conference in Warsaw, Poland, today.

Zeitenwende Conference: PES leaders united for more sovereign Europe

Europe must become more independent, more resilient and a stronger foreign policy actor. This was the message sent from Warsaw, Poland, today by Europe’s socialists…

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu leader of CHP - flanked by İYİ Parti leader Meral Akşener (left) and Saadet Partisi leader Temel Karamollaoğlu (right) - speaking after he was confirmed as the Turkish opposition's joint candidate to run against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Turkey's Presidential elections in May. Ankara, Turkey, 6 March 2023. Alp EREN KAYA / Republican People's Party (CHP) Press Service / AFP

PES stands firmly behind opposition candidate Kılıçdaroğlu in the Turkish presidential election

The Party of European Socialists (PES) firmly supports Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, from our member party Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (CHP), as the common candidate of the Turkish…

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
European Trade Union Confederation head Esther Lynch (left) meeting Secretary General of the Tunisian UGTT Noureddine Tabboubi in Tunis on February 18, 2023. Photo: AFP PHOTO / HO / UGTT

PES: Tunisian president wrong to expel ETUC general secretary

Workers’ rights must be respected everywhere. The Party of European Socialists (PES) supports the protests of the Tunisian trade unions and condemns the expulsion from…

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
Pictured from left: PES Secretary General Achim Post, PES President Stefan Löfven, S&D President Iratxe García and PES Executive Vice-President Katarina Barley

PES Presidency adopts declarations for a stronger, fairer and more sustainable EU

Following the meeting of the PES leadership, prime ministers and European Commissioners earlier today, the PES Presidency met in Brussels to discuss items on the…

PES condemns the terrorist attack in Jerusalem

PES condemns the terrorist attack in Jerusalem

The PES condemns the terrorist attack that occurred yesterday outside a synagogue in East Jerusalem. Seven people have been shot dead and four more were…

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES Migration and Integration Network meeting by videoconference, 25 January 2023

No time to lose on new Pact on Migration and Asylum

The Swedish Presidency of the Council of the European Union must deliver progress on the EU migration deal, as mandated in the Roadmap on the…

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood

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