News & press releases

PES welcomes the endorsement of Kamala Harris as presidential candidate by the U.S. Democrats
Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

PES welcomes the endorsement of Kamala Harris as presidential candidate by the U.S. Democrats

Giacomo Filibeck and Salvador Ilia

PES congratulates the newly elected President of Catalonia, Salvador Illa

PES Women: Gender equality policies cannot be put on hold amid COVID-19 pandemic

PES Women: Gender equality policies cannot be put on hold amid COVID-19 pandemic

Meeting by videoconference, PES Women convened to discuss key issues to advance the gender equality agenda at European level and in Member States. PES Women representatives expressed their concerns not only about the growing backlash against women’s rights but also the lack of focus on the topic in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES condemns stealthy abortion restriction in Poland

PES condemns stealthy abortion restriction in Poland

The Party of European Socialists deplores the ruling by the Polish Constitutional Court that abortion due to foetal defects is unconstitutional. This decision radically limits the rights of Polish women.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
2021 Commission work programme: EU must deliver on progressive priorities to secure a recovery for all

2021 Commission work programme: EU must deliver on progressive priorities to secure a recovery for all

Socialist and democratic Commissioners are continuing to fight for a fairer and more sustainable Europe for all, the Party of European Socialists said today as it welcomed the progressive priorities in the European Commission’s new work programme. Delivering on all these policies will be key to guaranteeing a recovery that leaves nobody behind.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
Jacinda Ardern, Prime Minister of New Zealand and leader of the Labour Party

PES congratulates Jacinda Ardern and New Zealand Labour on spectacular victory

The Party of European Socialists congratulates Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and the New Zealand Labour Party on their spectacular result at the election on Saturday.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
The Party of European Socialists united for swift recovery, respecting the Rule of Law

The Party of European Socialists united for swift recovery, respecting the Rule of Law

Representatives from PES member parties across Europe today urged Member States to deliver on the recovery without compromising on European values.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES: EUCO must secure the recovery without compromising on European values

PES: EUCO must secure the recovery without compromising on European values

Socialists and democrats will today push for a swift conclusion to the MFF and the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF), but we will not waver on our commitment to the Rule of Law. This was the conclusion as PES prime ministers, European commissioners and leaders met in Brussels this afternoon to coordinate ahead of the European Council.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law

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