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  • United Against Fear

    PES Leaders’ Declaration, Madrid, 21 February 2015
    View document February 21, 2015
  • United Against Fear

    PES Presidency Declaration, adopted on 5 February 2015
    View document February 5, 2015
  • Together for the Europe we need

    Adopted by the PES Congress
    View document September 30, 2012
  • A Progressive Agenda for a new Arab World: Declaration of Tunis

    Arab Spring Conference, Tunis, 30 March 2012
    View document March 30, 2012
  • Declaration of Principles

    Adopted by the PES Council, 24 November 2011
    Other languages: fr de es
    View document November 25, 2011
  • PES Statement on Anti-missile system – Adopted by the Presidency

    View document May 3, 2007