News & press releases

PES celebrates International Pride Day in Madrid
Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity

PES celebrates International Pride Day in Madrid

UK Labour leader

PES congratulates Keir Starmer and the Labour Party on a stunning election victory

PES welcomes Udo Bullmann as newly elected president of the S&D group

PES welcomes Udo Bullmann as newly elected president of the S&D group

The Party of European Socialists welcomes the election of Udo Bullmann as the new president of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament (S&D). The PES is ready to continue the strong co-operation with the S&D under his leadership in the run up to the 2019 European elections.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES European Affairs Ministers prepare for the March European Council

PES European Affairs Ministers prepare for the March European Council

European affairs ministers from the Party of European Socialists in a meeting today in preparation of the March European Council discussed digital taxation and the rule of law in Poland. They welcomed the Commission’s initiative to include social indicators in the European Semester and for paying closer attention to national tax regimes.

Future of Europe & Neighbourhood
Violence in Syria must end urgently, says PES

Violence in Syria must end urgently, says PES

The Party of European Socialists express its deep dismay at the ongoing violence in northern Syria, including in the city of Afrin, which was reportedly occupied by Turkish troops at the weekend.

Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation
PES leadership discusses 2019 manifesto, outlines common candidate process

PES leadership discusses 2019 manifesto, outlines common candidate process

Senior representatives from progressive parties across Europe met today to discuss the party’s manifesto for the 2019 European elections.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Employment and social ministers: Social Triple A requires strong implementation

Employment and social ministers: Social Triple A requires strong implementation

Socialist ministers resolved to keep up the pressure for a more social Europe to ensure that promises are delivered and implemented.

Employment, Social affairs, Health
PES supports action on tax fraud

PES supports action on tax fraud

The Party of European Socialists supports today’s decision of the European finance ministers to make intermediaries — tax advisors, accountants and lawyers — legally accountable for cases of tax fraud or tax dodging.

Economy, Finance, Cohesion

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