News & press releases

PES welcomes the endorsement of Kamala Harris as presidential candidate by the U.S. Democrats
Peace, International Affairs & Cooperation

PES welcomes the endorsement of Kamala Harris as presidential candidate by the U.S. Democrats

Giacomo Filibeck and Salvador Ilia

PES congratulates the newly elected President of Catalonia, Salvador Illa

PES deeply concerned with Polish revision of history

PES deeply concerned with Polish revision of history

The Party of European Socialists strongly disapproves of the bill passed by the Polish governing majority to define ‘acceptable’ and ‘unacceptable’ forms of referring to the Holocaust in Poland.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Training Academy meets in Brussels to study election strategies

Training Academy meets in Brussels to study election strategies

PES Training Academy participants from the class of 2017-2018 are meeting for the final time this week to formulate strategies for the 2019 European election campaign and then present their plans to a panel of MEPs.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
PES supports Pittella for Italian Senate

PES supports Pittella for Italian Senate

The Party of European Socialists supports the president of the S&D group at the European Parliament Gianni Pittella in the Italian election. He will be running for the Senate in the lists of PES member Partito Democratico.

Democracy, Justice, Rule of Law
Financial & economic network calls to strengthen EMU

Financial & economic network calls to strengthen EMU

Financial and economic experts from PES member parties, the S&D Group of the European Parliament, trade unions and civil society, met today to discuss policies for the deepening of the Economic and Monetary Union.

Economy, Finance, Cohesion
Irish abortion proposals a major step forward

Irish abortion proposals a major step forward

PES strongly supports the campaign in Ireland to allow women access to safe and legal abortion.

Gender Equality, Feminism, Diversity
PES to defend rights of Brussels Deliveroo workers

PES to defend rights of Brussels Deliveroo workers

Members of the PES Social Europe Network today met workers from Deliveroo Brussels to support their ongoing action to defend their employment rights against the delivery service.

Employment, Social affairs, Health

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